Mental Health / Self-Help

A Journey Towards Well-Being

Check Yourself!

posted Wednesday, June 24, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

I look in the mirror over twenty times a day. It’s not because I am particularly fond of the reflection staring back at me but rather this constant need to “make sure” that I look what I deem as “okay”. What does my stomach look like? Is it flat or is it bloated for everyone […]

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Self-Confidence: Secrets from a Boring Newsfeedger

posted Monday, June 8, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

Picking up a book on “The Ultimate Secret of Total Self-Confidence” at the store is almost like saying, “I’m a huge push-over who wishes I was cool enough to not care what other people think”. (Almost…as in that was once my actual thought.) I would love to be naturally confident but the truth is that […]

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Creating our Life Purpose

posted Thursday, June 4, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

Understanding our purpose in life is a monumental experience. So often we drift through life wondering what we were put on this Earth to do, to be, to whatever. (And subsequently feel very lost and “whatever”.) For this Newsfeed, I refer to Jack Canfield’s, “The Success Principles” (a book you will find I mention a […]

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How Offensive!

posted Tuesday, May 19, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

As my co-worker says many times in his speech about his journey to wellness – “words hurt”. I agree. Words more often than not have a far more harmful impact than getting into a physical altercation. However, I also believe that words hurt because of the context in a situation. If a person says, “you’re […]

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Alternatives to Being a “Shopaholic”

posted Monday, May 11, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

Throughout my Newsfeeds you will get to know my many “quirks”. (I like “quirky”- sounds better than “weird” but call me what you will!) Some quirks I will come right out and share. Starting now: 1. I’m an organized control freak who colour coordinates her closet. 2. I also have an irrational belief that a) […]

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The Art of Self-Help Books

posted Friday, May 1, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

“Well, whose it by?” my friend scornfully questions my latest self-help book. “The author!” I reply both emphatically and defensively. Who IS qualified to write a self-help book? Must they hold a post-doctoral degree? Must they have gone through helping themselves? Or must they just be good at putting ideas together, writing some bullshit and […]

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A Journey Towards Well-Being

posted Wednesday, April 22, 2015

by: in Mental Health / Self-Help

It makes me cringe when people self-diagnose mental illness from the internet. Because they wallow in it for days, weeks, months. Am I depressed; do you think I am schizophrenic; I heard the wall talking what do you think it meant? It means there was a radio in the apartment next door…? Whatever – get […]

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