From the Editor

Greening Your Business with Durham Partners in Project Green
Durham Sustain Ability (DSA) is an environmental not-for-profit and social enterprise that supports individuals, organizations and communities on the path to a sustainable future. Their mission is to provide awareness, training, and implementation support services driving environmental and economic benefits for Durham Region organizations and residents in concert with our partners and alliances.
The following is a guest post from Lauren Fowler, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator of Durham Sustain Ability regarding some of their upcoming events:
Climate change is forcing businesses, governments and communities to rally together to find solutions to ensure we leave behind a habitable planet for future generations.
As a business owner, you can make a direct impact on our local environment. More importantly, your business can significantly benefit from your efforts. From financial incentives, reduced operational costs, to increased customer loyalty, a green reputation can be worth more than just doing the right thing.
But many businesses view the emphasis on ‘going green’ as an unnecessary headache that only adds to their expenses. That’s an extremely shortsighted position. Nearly every measure taken to reduce your carbon footprint and lessen your impact on the environment results in benefits in the long run. This is where Durham Sustain Ability (DSA) and the Durham Partners in Project Green (DPPG) program can help.
DPPG is a member driven program that supports business across Durham Region on their journey toward environmental sustainability. We work with business to help them create a business case for sustainability, help track their emissions and impact, find incentives to support sustainability projects and celebrate their successes.
As part of our services for the business community in Durham Region we host several events designed to support our business community’s efforts. Our Spring 2017 events calendar is as follows:
Ontario’s Green Workforce Webcast
February 21st 2017. Online Webcast
Durham Partners in Project Green invites you to tune into our webcast to learn more about Ontario’s green workforce. Our special guest speakers are in the trenches helping to define what the green economy is going to look like as we continue to move toward sustainability across the province and here at home in Durham.
Energy 2017: Have You Heard The BUZZ?
March 21st 2017 @ UOIT, 61 Charles St. Oshawa
8am – 11am
This event has been designed to give businesses in our Region a greater understanding of the hot topics that impact businesses big and small and a greater understanding of the programs that are in place to support our transition to a more energy efficient economy.
About the Author
Wendy Chiavalon is the Editor-in-Chief of The Local Biz Magazine. She lives in Ajax with her family. She loves watching Pixar movies, salsa dancing, road trips and of course, baking and eating cakes (who wouldn’t)?! In her spare time, she doubles as a cake decorator, baking and decorating cakes and other goodies for special occasions. You can check out some of her work at and follow her on Facebook at