From the Editor

Agricultural Fairs and Events in Durham Region
If you like learning about agriculture and in particular, our local agriculture, then you may want to check out some of the farm events going on in Durham region this month.
The Sunderland Fall Fair takes place September 12 to 14, 2017. The fair’s theme is celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday this year. Volunteers are always needed. For more information visit:
The Beaverton Fall Fair takes place September 15 to 17, 2017. Once again, volunteers are crucial to the fair’s success and are much needed. For more information visit:
Though not a fair, if you are interested in celebrating agriculture in Durham Region, Durham Farm Connections will be hosting its 4th annual gala to raise and benefit agricultural awareness efforts in the region on October 26, 2017. Those in the agricultural community are invited to come out and support the cause all while enjoying delicious food and entertainment. There will be a silent and live auction and attendees will have a chance to connect with others in the community. In tribute to Canada’s 150th milestone birthday, the gala will also celebrate Durham farm families that have been farming for at least 150 years in Canada and currently in Durham Region. What an honour! More details to follow. For more information visit:
Agriculture is important. Learn more about it by attending one or all of these events and help spread the word!
About the Author
Wendy Chiavalon is the Editor-in-Chief of The Local Biz Magazine. She lives in Ajax with her family. She loves watching Pixar movies, salsa dancing, road trips and of course, baking and eating cakes (who wouldn’t)?! In her spare time, she doubles as a cake decorator, baking and decorating cakes and other goodies for special occasions. You can check out some of her work at and follow her on Facebook at