From the Editor
Dream Big! Take Action!
As all the Christmas festivities wind down, we prepare to move into the New Year. With 2018 just around the corner have you been thinking of “resolutions” or “how do we make 2018 the best year ever”?
We have all heard how it all starts in your thoughts, only you can control your future. Sounds easy right? If it was just that easy I am sure we would all be healthy, wealthy and with the love of our life. The birds would be singing, we would have no wars or acts of violence, mother nature would give us nothing but sunshine (or snow for those who love winter sports) we would all get along and life would be just perfect.
We cannot control how others think or what happens in the world, but we can control our thoughts and what happens in our life. It however is not enough to just think about the life you want to live you must take action to achieve your goals. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you are not sure how to make them happen, it is all a learning process. There are always people out there who also have the same dreams as you.
Wishing you all the Best in 2018, Dream Big and Take Action to make your Dreams a Reality!!!
About the Author
Wendy Chiavalon is the Editor-in-Chief of The Local Biz Magazine. She lives in Ajax with her family. She loves watching Pixar movies, salsa dancing, road trips and of course, baking and eating cakes (who wouldn’t)?! In her spare time, she doubles as a cake decorator, baking and decorating cakes and other goodies for special occasions. You can check out some of her work at and follow her on Facebook at