Fit & Fabulous!

Five Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During Your March Break Vacation
I recently returned from a two-week vacation and I have to admit, for the first time in a long time, I wasn’t afraid to step on the scale after my holiday. My clothes didn’t feel tight, my stomach wasn’t bloated and best of all, I had no guilt – whatsoever! Did I deprive myself of delicious food? No way! Did I hit the gym daily for an hour long workout? No to that as well. So what did I do? Read on to discover the five tricks I used to avoid packing on vacation pounds!
Plan what you are going to eat. Be Mindful.
Whether or not you’re staying at an all-inclusive hotel or making your own meals, planning what you will eat during your holiday is an absolute must if you want to protect your waistline. Planning can mean surveying the buffet and choosing what you will eat before just loading up everything on your plate. It might mean making a grocery list and planning meals while staying at a rental home or Airbnb. Or maybe it means looking up the menus at restaurants before you go out to eat. When you plan what you will eat, you’re setting yourself up for success. That means planning which meals can be on the healthier side and also planning for those little indulgences that you’ve been looking forward to like a dessert or a cocktail. It also means being mindful to how much (quantity) and how often you consume them.
Tip: share meals, desserts and drinks. It’ll cut your calories in half and you’ll save money too!
Eat a healthy Breakfast that includes plenty of fiber.
One reason things go south during a vacation is because you’re not getting the proper amount of fibre to start your day. Loading up on breakfasts that are full of empty calories (like coffee and croissants) can lead to unsteady blood-sugar levels and cravings for all the foods you may be trying to avoid. Having a fibre-rich breakfast (like a smoothie packed with fruit, veggies, ground flax seed and almond milk) is a great way to ensure that you won’t over-eat because fibre is filling and beneficial for healthy bowel movements. Having daily bowel movements is essential for so many reasons, but if you want to avoid feeling bloated and constipated, you want to make sure that what goes in your body, also comes out.
Tip: when adding extra fibre to your diet, be sure to have plenty of water as well otherwise you’ll just feel bloated.
Incorporate some type of physical activity into your day.
This one is kind of a no-brainer to me. I know that vacation for some literally means doing nothing. And while I’m all for having a rest, a little movement goes a long way when it comes to not packing on the pounds. Think of it this way. If you typically overeat on your holiday, it might be wise to add a little physical activity to offset those extra calories. Of course you can’t out-train your poor food choices. It’s not that simple when it comes to how your body burns fat. But a little exercise certainly helps you feel better, look better and release stress.
Tip: Choose activities that you enjoy and make sense for the type of holiday you’re on. Whether it’s a walk on the beach or a walk in the snow, when you move your body you’re burning more calories than when you’re doing nothing.
Try to stay on a regular sleep schedule.
I’m not saying you can’t enjoy a late night here and there. But if at all possible, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Research shows that when you’re body lacks the proper amount of sleep, you’re more likely to crave foods high in carbohydrates and sugar to stay awake. That just makes it that much harder to make eating healthy a priority while on vacation. Set yourself up to feel energized by getting the proper amount of rest your body needs to make mindful decisions.
Tip: Go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday even if it’s a bit different from your at home sleep schedule.
Load up on water. Hydration is key to helping the body flush out unwanted toxins.
I’m always surprised to hear how hard it is for some people to drink water. And it makes me sad to report that over half of the population in North America is dehydrated. Maybe, you don’t think this matters much. But dehydration is one of the leading causes for over consumption. Simply put, people often confuse thirst for hunger which leads to overeating. So if you want to avoid eating too much, drink more water instead. Another reason you want to re-think your water consumption is that if you’re indulging in some foods and beverages that are higher in calories and lower in nutritional value, water can help to flush out those unwanted toxins.
Tip: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and carry a water bottle with you throughout the day.
About the Author
Bianca Schaefer is a 360 Holistic Health who inspires a global community to take charge of their lives through nourishing their body, mind and spirit with delicious healthy foods, an active lifestyle and a mindset that believes anything is possible! Her mission is to help others realize their greatest potential and use their unique talents to be an inspiration to others. Find out more about Bianca on her personal website,