The Boomer Corner

Still Getting Through Isolation
Here we are still staying at home thanks to COVID 19.The number of deaths in long-term care homes is both staggering and so sad. Why has it run rampant in so many of the homes? Some of them are expensive places to live in, and they are also for profit. Is that part of the reason? Some of them have four beds to a room, so how much space does each person have? There is supposed to be an inquiry of some sort. Hope they have it finished before I need a place!
These are interesting times. Stores closed for a long time that are slowly opening again. Still only pickup or delivery from restaurants. How many will not survive? Like most people, I have several favourite places for different kinds of food. There are good old Canadian places like KB’s, and a friend and family favourite, The Greek Tycoon. Then there is sushi (which I’ve never attempted to make) from The Villa and Sushi. The Pub in south Whitby, and Pho for Vietnamese food in Oshawa. Also a few breakfast places. Hope they are all able to reopen.
Cooking and Baking
I have been doing more baking. I started making bread more often. I found a new raisin tea biscuit recipe that I’ve made a few times. I’ve also made Melton Mowbray pie and then use it as part of a simple ploughman’s lunch. Last week, I found a recipe for Eccles cakes and I quite liked them.
Last week, I found a couple of simple recipes in one of my Welsh cook books. One is BRITHYLL A CHIG MOCCH. (Trout with bacon), but I didn’t use trout, I used a Basa a mild white fish. You line a dish (I used a 9X7 inch) with six pieces of streaky bacon, put the fish in (can add spices if you want to but I found the bacon gave it enough flavour). Then top it with six more pieces of bacon. Cover it with foil and bake it in a hot oven (maybe 400) for 15-20 minutes.
The other one is TEISEN NIONOD (Onion Cake). You peel and thinly slice two pounds of potatoes, then add a pound of finely chopped onions. (I used Vidalia). Put a layer of potatoes in an oiled casserole dish, then top it with onions and dab it with butter. Repeat the layers the same way, ending with potatoes, topped with butter. Cover with a lid or foil and cook at 350 for 60 to 90 minutes, removing the lid for the last half hour. I made the fish and potatoes at the same time and set the oven to about 375.
Venturing Out During COVID-19
I think retired people who have cars are probably managing the best of isolated people. I wasn’t going out every day to work so isolation didn’t hit me like a ton of bricks. I don’t have kids at home to try and keep entertained all day. I have my car so I can do my own shopping, just not as often. As a senior, I can go to Metro at seven in the morning. I don’t go as often, which is saving me a bit of money, I don’t have to get someone to do my shopping. I’m lucky.
I’m looking forward to having my grandson over for pizza night. My sister made masks out of some nice fabric so I can wear one when I go out. People have been joking that they can go into the bank wearing a mask and ask for money. Something on the news struck me as being funny. The police were looking for some criminals who were wearing masks. On the weekend a park in Toronto was packed with people who weren’t keeping their distance. At the same time the number of COVID 19 cases is increasing. Some seem to think that this is the second wave of the pandemic. Made it to Vandermeers the other day and bought about four and a half flats of annuals and several different herbs. It takes longer to plant the flowers than it does to buy them!
To end on a lighter note, my dog Suzie is willing to help unpack groceries. I learned a while ago to put grocery bags on tables and counters since she helped herself to some croissants I had for lunch that my friend was coming over for. Last week before I had a chance to put the bags up high, I heard a kind of rustling noise. I managed to get the steak from her before she got into it!
I hope you are managing to cope. I find myself playing “Wordscapes” on my tablet quite a bit. I hope you have some sort of game you can enjoy. Whatever you do, keep smiling (and enjoy a glass of wine or two!)
About the Author
Linda Calder is a retired teacher. She likes to write and enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys going on cruises, taking pictures and scrapbooking.