Looking for something to do locally in a safe manner? Check out the following virtual options, until it’s safe to return in person.

Canadian Automotive Museum

The Canadian Automotive Museum is offering virtual programs. Visit their events webpage for more information about future events.

Oshawa Museum

For details on Oshawa Museum’s virtual programs, visit oshawamuseum.org/whats-on.

Oshawa Public Library

Oshawa Public Libraries remains open for in-person visits and also offer many virtual activities and events – visit their website or Facebook page for more information.

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery 

The RMG is offering a wide range of virtual talks, tours, and exhibitions. Visit rmg.on.ca for all the details.


About the Author

Bryen writes about local Durham community news, including regional events, municipality updates, entertainment, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Email him directly if you want your business profiled or know a community member that deserves recognition - bryen@thelocalbizmagazine.com