What's Up Durham?

Ontario Providing Funding Support to Durham Region Public Health
The Ontario Government is providing $2,640,800 for the 2022 – 2023 funding year to the Region of Durham’s Public Health Unit to help them deliver
safe and reliable public health services to hard working families. The funding is a part of the Ontario Government’s larger initiative to support extraordinary costs related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
“Our Government is pleased to support public health units across Ontario, including the Regional Municipality of Durham’s Health Department,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “This funding will be used to help offset expenses incurred during the pandemic, ensuring communities in Durham Region can continue to provide public health services to residents.”
The additional funding is a part of Ontario’s Plan to Stay Open and to build a stronger, more resilient health care system that is better prepared to respond to crisis. Funding will help municipal public health units address costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Municipalities will be able to apply this funding to cover revenue losses, operating expenses, and towards priority projects including vaccination efforts, outbreak prevention and management as well as contact tracing and reporting.
“As public health units, like ours in Durham Region, continue to recover from the impacts of COVID-19, this funding will ensure the Public Health department can continue to provide vital health services to residents when, and where, they need them,” said Lorne Coe, MPP for Whitby and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier. “This is yet another example of our Government’s commitment to working collaboratively with our municipal partners across the Region.”
“Healthcare providers across Ontario and in Durham Region have had to endure many challenges over the past few years. I am pleased to see this investment into the Region of Durham’s Public Health Unit which improves the well-being and quality of life for residents, leading to a more robust and efficient healthcare system for all,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, MPP for Pickering-Uxbridge.
“Our Government led the way in providing the increased funding and necessary resources during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure all Ontarians had access to quality healthcare” said Todd McCarthy, MPP for Durham. “This continued investment reinforces our commitment to not only provide quality healthcare to all Durham residents but boosts Ontario’s plan to stay open and build a strong and sustainable public healthcare system.”
“This funding is a crucial part of our Government support for Ajax-Pickering Hospital in the continued fight against covid it will help implement the necessary steps that will ensure patient, staff and visitor safety,” said Patrice Barnes, MPP for Ajax.
This funding builds on the more than $182 million in dedicated funding for public health systems and hospitals that the Ontario Government has provided this year to help respond to the impacts of COVID-19.
The Government is also committing an additional $3.5 million in 2022–23 to improve emergency readiness and protect the people of Ontario in the event of major emergencies. This funding will enhance the Government’s coordinated approach to emergency management through additional capacity to plan, prepare, respond and recover from emergencies.
Quick Facts
To support growing demands on the health care system, Ontario’s investments over the next 10 years will lead to $40 billion in health infrastructure across the province. These investments will increase capacity in hospitals, build new health care facilities and renew existing hospitals and community health centres.
Community health facilities are publicly funded and provide a range of programs to patients across the province, including primary care, community mental health and addictions services, allied health care such as physical therapy and respiratory therapy, and programs and services delivered by a public health unit.
About the Author
Bryen writes about local Durham community news, including regional events, municipality updates, entertainment, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Email him directly if you want your business profiled or know a community member that deserves recognition - bryen@thelocalbizmagazine.com