What's Up Durham?

Clarington’s Community Cleanup – join or organize your own neighbourhood event
Get involved and join your neighbours and friends from April 17 to 23 to help keep Clarington litter-free. Lets work together to clear garbage and recycling that’s accumulated over the winter and ensure our neighbourhoods, local parks, green spaces, and trails are beautiful and safe for everyone to enjoy.
To organize a cleanup in your neighbourhood, email operations@clarington.net. Let them know which park, trail, or green space you’ll be cleaning and how many people will be helping out. Garbage bags and gloves will be provided, and disposal of the collected waste will be coordinated.
When we all pitch in together, we can make a big difference!
Other cleanup events in Clarington
- Operation Clean Sweep
Port of Newcastle, Bond Head, and Samuel Wilmot Nature Areas
Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 10 a.m. to noon
Learn more about this event. - Earth Day Celebration and Open House: Discover the Bowmanville and Westside Marshes
Bowmanville Westside Marshes Conservation Area
180 West Beach Road, Bowmanville
Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Plant trees and pick up litter to help keep the Conservation Area and Lake Ontario Shoreline healthy and clean.
Learn more and register.
Cleanup safety tips:
- Wear gloves while picking up waste.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Immediately wash or sanitize your hands when you’re done collecting waste.
- Supervise children and don’t let children wander off alone.
- Avoid unsafe areas such as railway tracks, creeks, riverbanks and roadways.
- Do not pick up dangerous items like needles, broken glass, hazardous waste or dead animals. Please email operations@clarington.netto let us know the location of these items, and we will arrange for safe disposal.
About the Author
Bryen writes about local Durham community news, including regional events, municipality updates, entertainment, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Email him directly if you want your business profiled or know a community member that deserves recognition - bryen@thelocalbizmagazine.com