What's Up Durham?

Whitby Mayor Elizabeth Roy’s Monthly Newsletter – May 2023
Whitby Mayor Elizabeth Roy‘s monthly newsletter aims to keep residents informed about whats happening and encourage more engagement and communication.She’s always open to hearing your feedback, email mayor@whitby.caor call 905-430-4300 ext. 2203 to connect.
Community Strategic Plan update
Work is continuing onWhitbys four-year Community Strategic Plan! Im so pleased that more than 2,200 people gave their feedback during the first round of public consultation in February and March. We learned a lot from this feedback. On April 24, council endorsed a draft of the Community Strategic Plan. Phase 2 of community engagement launched on April 27 and will run until May 19. Residents, businesses and community partners have the opportunity to attend virtual and in-person engagement sessions to provide feedback on the draft plan. Visitconnectwhitby.ca/communityplanfor more information. Your voice matters, let us know your vision for Whitby! A final version of the plan is expected to go to council for approval in June.
Whats happening at council?
New policies for Whitbys mature neighbourhoods
Council has adopted an amendment to the Whitby Official Plan, which includes additional policies to help manage residential infill and intensification in mature neighbourhoods. The amendment adopted on April 24 follows a Mature Neighbourhoods Study and public consultation. Increasing land costs and provincial legislation creating pressure for infill and redevelopment in mature neighbourhoods. Types of infill development include severances to create new single detached or semi-detached dwelling lots, and denser forms of development such as townhouses or apartments on larger lots or consolidated lots. Examples of polices in the new amendment include: generally limiting building heights for low-density residential development to two storeys; directing high-density residential development to the edges of mature neighbourhoods along arterial roads and abutting intensification corridors and areas; a maximum of four storeys for high-density residential development in mature neighbourhoods.
Pilot program for after-hours parking and bylaw enforcement to continue
Council has approved the continuation of a pilot program for after-hours parking and by-law enforcement. The pilot program was launched in response to concerns from council and the community. Data shows the majority of after-hours noise complaints occur between 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. from Mayo to October, and primarily on weekends. An enforcement services officer was hired for a six-month period from May to November 2022. An after-hours phone system was set up, which allowed residents to speak directly with an officer on duty Thursday to Sunday nights from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. The officer working the pilot program was responsible for issuing $26,000 in parking infraction revenue during the six months. A report from Town staff says the seasonal pilot project was successful and recommends continuing it for 2023 and investigating the option of making the position permanent as part of the 2024 budget. The cost to continue the pilot program is $17,558, which will be funded from incremental 2023 parking infraction revenue and the parking reserve fund.
Soccer dome replacement
Council has approved replacement of one of Whitbys soccer domes as a new capital project for 2023. The soccer dome, located at 683 Rossland Rd. W., is 14 years old and needs to be replaced before next winter. A report from Town staff says the weight of snow on top of the dome has caused dome collapses. The estimated cost to replace the dome is $650,000. The Whitby Football Club is able to fund $400,00 of the cost and requested that the Town contribute $250,000. Council approved the $250,000 funding on April 24, the cost will be funded from the Whitby Soccer Dome Reserve Fund, which was created to support replacements for the soccer dome, artificial turf, and major mechanical components. Council has authorized the Whitby Football Club to move forward with coordinating and procuring the dome replacement.
Council urges Province to act on homelessness crisis
On April 24, Council approved a motion calling on the provincial government to acknowledge that homelessness in Ontario is a social, economic, and health crisis; commit to ending homelessness in Ontario; and work the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and a broad range of community, health, Indigenous and economic partners to develop, resource, and implement an action plan to achieve this goal.
The motion notes the homelessness crisis is the result of the underinvestment and poor policy choices of successive provincial governments and says municipalities are working to address the issue but do not have the resources, capacity, or tools to address this complex challenge. 7
Whitby Community Builders!
- Congratulations to the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, which recently celebrated its 95th anniversary! The chamber plays a big role in creating an environment where businesses can succeed, by supporting them with networking opportunities, education, advocacy and leadership. Thank you for helping our local business community thrive!
- Thank you to Bellwood P.S. for hosting its first ever community Iftar celebration on April 6. This event brought the community together in faith and friendship and is an example of the kind of inclusivity we love to see in local schools.
- Shout out to Nelson Tellis who is the winner of the 2023 Mayors Senior Volunteer Award! Nelson has been a committed volunteer with Holy Family Parish and the Knights of Columbus for 35 years. Nelson was recognized at the 55+ Volunteer Appreciation and Mayors Senior Volunteer Award event on April 27.
Coming Up in May
- Art Attack 2023 takes place May 4 at 7 p.m. at Station Gallery. This annual showcase of local youth artists is held each year during National Youth Week. Categories include drawing and painting, sculpture, video and film, photography, fashion and jewellery and spoken word. All art pieces will be on display at Station Gallery from May 1 to 27. Art Attack is presented by Whitby Youth Council in partnership with Station Gallery.
- May 9 is the Provincial Day of Action on Litter. If you can, consider taking even a few minutes to pick up litter in your neighbourhood or near your workplace or school. You could even organize a community clean-up, the Provinces Public Litter Clean-up Guidehas tips.
- The Whitby Farmers Marketopens for the season on May 17! The market runs Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Celebration Square. You can find lots of local produce as well as baked goods, local honey, gourmet products and so much more. Stay tuned for the Brooklin Farmers Market to open in June.
- Food Truck Frenzy is coming up May 27 and 28 at Iroquois Park Sports Centre. The Rotary Club of Whitby hosts this popular annual event which has drawn up to 25,000 people in past years amazing! Funds raised go back to the community. Mark you calendar and bring your appetite!
- The2023 Durham Region MS Walkis May 28 at 11 a.m. at Kiwanis Heydenshore Park in Whitby. Participants can walk the 5 km route as an individual or as part of a team. The MS Walk is a community-driven fundraising event that takes place across Canada to build awareness of multiple sclerosis and fundraise for the MS Society of Canada,
Did you know
In 1951, Whitbys population was 7,000 people. That jumped to120,000 by 2011 and 138,500 according to the 2021 census. Whitbys population is expected to be 244,890 by 2051!
About the Author
Bryen writes about local Durham community news, including regional events, municipality updates, entertainment, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Email him directly if you want your business profiled or know a community member that deserves recognition - bryen@thelocalbizmagazine.com