The Municipality of Clarington recently launched a review of the Official Plan at a Special Council Meeting. This Plan will guide the municipality as we grow. By the year 2051, Claringtons total population is forecast to grow from 105,000 to 221,000 (an increase of 110 per cent). By 2051, the total employment base for Clarington is forecast to grow from 29,900 jobs to 70,300 jobs (an increase of 135 per cent).

The Official Plan affects every resident, business, and landowner in Clarington and provides direction on topics that matter to all of us in how we live, work and play in our day-to-day lives, said Sarah Allin, Planner for Claringtons Planning and Infrastructure Services Department.

What is an Official Plan?

The Plan review process allows the community and Council to engage in topics like how to address quality of development, environmental protection, parks and trails, traffic, and affordable housing. The Clarington Official Plan is the main policy document that establishes the long-term vision for our community, manages growth and development, and guides capital investment decisions now and into the future.

Its important because the Official Plan sets aspirations for what is wanted for the community to become:

  • Which forms of housing and densities are appropriate in certain areas.
  • How we attract economic development and generate local jobs.
  • How environmental features should be protected.
  • How we preserve our agricultural land and support local food production.
  • How roads can be designed for pedestrians, bicycles, public transit and private vehicles.
  • Where parks, trails, and recreation spaces will be located and how they will be connected.

Why is the Official Plan being reviewed?

The Province mandates that municipalities must update their Official Plans every five years. The Clarington Official Plan was last updated in 2018 and is due for review. This will give the Municipality a chance to:

  • Ensure the vision for the Municipality continues to meet the communitys evolving needs.
  • Align with recent changes in provincial policy and legislation.
  • Conform to the new Durham Regional Official Plan.

How can residents get involved?

Residents are asked to read the Introductory Discussion Paper and share their thoughts and ideas by:

About the Author

Bryen writes about local Durham community news, including regional events, municipality updates, entertainment, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Email him directly if you want your business profiled or know a community member that deserves recognition -